Bipin Bihari Mishra, Professor (Full), Pedology, School of Environmental Sciences, Haramaya University, Ethiopia.
  My Publications

S.No. Title Authors  Journal/Proceedings
. . . .
...1 Characteristics and classification of  J. R. Tiwary, P.P. Jha & B. B.  J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 37,
. Red, black and Yellow Soils of Mishra 518-523 (1989)
. Rajmahal Trap of Bihar . .
...2  Sodiumization of some Alfisols in V.N.Singh & B.B.Mishra J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci , 42, 626- 
. Toposequence occurring in Indo-  .  632 (1994)
. Gangetic plain of Bihar. . .
...3 Changes in morphological and other V.N. Singh & B.B. Mishra J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 43, 139
. features of some red soils developed  . 142 (1995)
. on granite gneiss in toposequence. . .
...4 Characterization of soils derived from  B.B. Mishra & S.K.Ghosh  J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 43, 92-98 
. mica rich parent materials in two toposequences. . -1995
...5 Land evaluation of some Alfisols in V.N. Singh & B.B Mishra J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 43, 112-116 
. toposequenceaffectedby . -1995
. sodiumization . .
...6  Pedogenic characterization of some V.N. Singh & B.B. Mishra J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 44, 136-142 
. typical soils of Gandak command area . -1996
. of Bihar for evaluation of land suitability . .
...7 Irrigabilityand productivity classi- V. N. Singh, J. R.Tiwary, J. Indian Soc.Soil Sci.44, 350-353 
. fication of some soils of Chotanagpur J Mall and B.B. Mishra  -1996
. plateau.  . .
...8  Irrigabilityandproductivity V. N. Singh & B. B. Mishra J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 45, 805 –
.  classification of some typical soils of  . 809 (1997)
.  sedentary and alluvial origins  . .
...9 Theory of photopedology  B.B. Mishra J. Indian Soc.SoilSci. 44, 541-543 
. . -1996 .
...10 Fluvisol as a proposed Order in soil  B. B. Mishra, C. D. Choudhary,  Trans.XVth. WorldCongressSoil 
. Taxonomy for active flood plain N.K.Singh, J. Mall, V.N. Singh  Sci., Acapulco, Mexico, 6B, 55-
. soils.  & R. N. Singh 56 (1994)
...11 Kosi region of Bihar needs soil based R.N. Singh & B. B.Mishra  Indian Fert. Scene Ann.1995,p.30- 
. planning for agril. development  . .
...12 Characterization of red soils derived J.R. Tiwary, I. D. Singh, B. B. Agropedology 6,13-20 (1996)
. from five different parent rocks in Mishra and J. Mall .
. Bihar . .
...13 Integrated technology mission for B. B.Mishra, I.D. Singh,  Scientific Pub. (India), Jodhpur
.  sustaining the productivity of salt- J. Mall. L. N. Singh &  In. Wasteland management A.K.Roy 
.  affected soils and Environment, S.P.Singh .
...14 Management of waste land with K.R.Maurya and B. B.Mishra   Scientific Pub. (India), Jodhpur
. stagnant water  . In. Wasteland management and
. . . Environment, A.K.Roy &
. . . S.K.Verma, Eds)
...15 Fluvisol as the 13th Order in USDA B,B.Mishra Proc. Intern.Conf.Natr.Resor.Sus.
. Soil Taxonomy for floodplain soils . Agric.21stCentury, Feb.14-18,2000, 
. withChemihydropedoturbation . New Delhi, 2, 86-88. 
. Pedongenic process- A proposition . .
...16 Genesis of red soils developed in J.R.Tiwary, I.D.Singh Indian J. Agric. Chem. 30, 7-13 (1997)
. Rajmahal Trap of Bihar S.N.Prasad & B.B.Mishra .
...17 Studies on parent rocks of red, black  J.R.Tiwary,P,P.Jha and  J .Indian Soc.Soil Sci. 35, 539 -541 
. and yellow soils of Rajmahal B.B.Mishra  -1987
. traps in Bihar.  . .
...18  Mineralogy of fine sand fractions of J.R.Tiwary & B. B.Mishera J. Indian Soc.Soil Sci, 41, 807-809 
. red, yellow and black soils of the .  (1993)
. Rajmahal Trap of Bihar. . .
...19 Mineralogy of fine sand fraction of J. Mall & B. B.Mishra J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci, 42, 640-644 
. some non-calcareous soils of North . (1994)
.  Bihar. . .
...20  Occurrence of monazite in some  J. Mall & B. B.Mishra Current Science. 66, 158 - 161 (1994)
. alluvial soils of North Bihar . .
...21 Mineralogy offine sand fraction of  V.N,Singh, B. B. Mishra,  J. Indian Soc.SoilSci. 43, 117- 121 
. some salt affected soils of J.R.Tiwary & R.A.Singh  -1995
. eastern Bihar . .
...22 Mineralogy of fine sandfractionof  V.N.Singli & B.B.Mishra  J..Indian Soc. Soil. Sci. 44, 186 -188 
.  some salt affected calcareous soils of . -1996
. Bihar . .
...23 Clay-organic interactions S.K.Ghosh & B.B.Mishra Clay Research8, 84-90 (1.989) Review 
. . . paper
...24 Clay mineralogy of some yellow soils J.R.Tiwary & B.B.Mishra J. Indian Soc. SoilSci. 40, 406-408 
. developed in Raj mahal trap of Bihar  . -1992
...25 Clay mineralogy of some red soils J.R.Tiwary & B.B.Mislira J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 40, 833-836 (1992)
.  developed on Rajmahal trap of Bihar. . .
...26  Clay mineralogy of black soils of J..R.Tiwary & B.B.Mishra  J.Indian Soc, Soil Sci. 41, 535 -540 (1993)
.  Rajmahal trap. . .
...27  Amorphous constituents of clays in B.B.Mishra & S.K.Ghosh J.Indian Soc. SoilSci, 42, 668 –670 (1994)
. soils derived from micarich parent . .
. materials. . .
...28  Identification of clay minerals in S.N.Prasad, B.B.Mishra, J. Indian Nuclear Agric, Biol. 23, 180 (1994)
. typical soils of Tal land of Bihar J. Mall & L.N.Singh .
. using X-ray data . .
. . . .
...29 Clay mineral formation in soils B. B.Mishra & S. K.Ghosh DAF-BRNS Symp. Nuclear Appl. Agric. Food
.  derived from mica-rich parent . Preserv. New Delhi P-209-211 (1994)
. . . .
...30  Clay mineralogy of major soil groups B. B.Mi.shra and J.Mall J.Nuclear Agric. Biol. 25,131- 138 (1996) 
. of Bihar - A basic factor for evaluation . .
.  of' soil fertility undersustainable . .
. agriculture. . .
...31  Clay Mineral Associations occurring  B. B.Mishra, J.Mall, Clay Res. 15, 15-24 (1996)
. in major soil groups of Bihar.  R..A,Singh & J.Choudhary .
...32 Identification and genesis of clay  J. Mall & B. B. Mishra  J. IndianSoc. SoilSci. 48, 586-593 (2000)
. minerals of some Alfisols of northern . .
. Bihar . .
...33 Identification of Clay minerals in soils B.B.Mishra, S.K.Ghosh J. Nuclear Agric. Biol, 29, 136-141(2000)
. derived from muscovite bearing mineral & I. D. Singh .
...34 Self diffusion coefficient of86Rb in  B. B.Mishra, S.K. Ghosh, P. Current Science 63, 681– 682 (1992)
. mica-rich soils  Sachdev, M.S.Sachdev, D. L. Deb  .
. . & R. P.Arora. .
...35 Potassium diffusion and b- value B.B.Mishra, S.K. Ghosh, J.Nuclear Agric. Biol. 21, 41-47 (1992)
. of potassium in soils derived from P. Sachdev, M.S. Sachdev .
. . and D.L. Deb .
...36 Soil factors influencing the potassium B.B. Mishra, S.K.Ghosh J.Nuclear Agril. Biol. 21, 216 (1992)
.  diffusion in soils derived from P.Sachdev, M.S. Sachdev .
. mica-rich parent materials and D.L.Deb. .
. using 86Rb.  . .
...37 Studies on potassium in soils derived  B,B.Mishra, S.K.Ghosh and J. Potassium Res. 11, 249-256 (1995)
. from mica -rich parent materials of G. Ghosh. .
. Bihar: II. Quantity - intensity . .
. relationship of potassium . .
...38 Studies on potassium in soils derived B.B. Mishra, S.K. Ghosh and J. Potassium Res. 11, 257-261 (1995)
. from mica -rich parent materials of G. Ghosh. .
. Bihar: II. Quantity - intensity . .
. relationship of potassium . .
...39 Studies on potassium in soils derived B.B. Mishra, S.K. Ghosh and J. Potassium Res. 11, 262 – 270 (1995)
. from mica-rich parent materials of Bihar: G. Ghosh.  .
.  III. Potassium release from mica species  . .
. using chemicalextractants . .
...40 Change in chemical composition, R. Upadhyay and B.B. Mishra J. Nuclear Agric. Biol. 22, 195-200 (1993)
. cation exchange capacity and X- . .
. ray analysis data of mica species due to . .
. potassium release. . .
...41 Release of potassium from mica R. Upadhyay and B. B. Mishra J. Potassium Res. 10, 49-55 (1994)
. as affected by different factors . .
...42 Potassium release from mica by some  R. Upadhyay and B.B. Mishra J. Potassium Res. 13, 101-104 (1997)
. chemical and biological treatments. . .
...43  Evaluation of waste mica as a source of  R. Upadhyay and B.B. Mishra J. Potassium Res. 9, 325-332 (1993)
. potassic fertilizer and changes in the . .
. forms of soil potassium due to  . .
. mica incorporation.  . .
...44 Dynamics of potassium released from B.B. Mishra and S. K. Ghosh Indian Fert. Scene Annual, p. 86-96 (1996)
. soil micas of micaceous landform of . .
. Bihar, India. . .
...45 Bidirectional reflectance distribution  B. B. Mishra, S.K. Ghosh Proc. Indian Soc. Remote Sensing for Agric Dev.,
. function of mica species and soil  and S.K. Srivastava New Delhi, p. 66-72 (1990)
. derived from mica-rich parent . .
. materials  . .
...46 Spectral reflectance of soil derived from B. B. Mishra, S.K. Ghosh J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 41,
.  mica-rich parent materials in two different & S.K. Srivastava 516 -521 (1993)
.  toposequences in relation soil properties. . .
...47 Assessment and management of Diara  B.B. Mishra, J. Mall and Indian Farming, 50, 22 – 26 
. land soils using remotely sensed data.   I.D. Singh -2001
...48 Distribution of micronutrients in tal  J.R. Tiwary and B.B. Mishra J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 38,
. land soils (Udic Chromustert) of Bihar.  . 319 – 321 (1990)
...49  Fertilizer use in Bihar after  R.N. Singh and B.B. Mishra Indian Fert. Scene Annual 
. decontrol .  1993, p. 52 – 55 (1993) 
...50 Response of phosphate to wheat in  S.N. Prasad, B.P. Sahi, R.N. Singh Fertilizer News 31, 43 – 46
. some typical soils of Bihar and B.B. Mishra (1986)
...51  Effect of lac coated urea and  V.N. Singh, S.N. Prasad and  Proc. Bihar Acad. Agric. Sci.
. plain urea on yield of rice  B.B. Mishra 35-36, 67 – 69 (1990)
...52 Possibility of pyrite to use in soil B.B. Mishra Food Farmg. Agric. 9, 136-137 (1977) 
. in monsoon to reclaim its alkalinity  . .
...53  Nutrient mining in different agro- B.B. Mishra, J. Mall, J. Choudhary Fertilizer News 46, 21 – 43 (2001)
. climatic zones of Bihar  and R. A. Singh .
...54 Distinct observable and measurable  B.B. Mishra, J.Mall, J. Choudhary Proc. Intern. Conf. Sustain. Agric. Food, Energy &
.  pedogenic feature of the floodplain  and A. Jha Industry, Sept. 8-13, 2002 Beijing, China (Full Paper)
.  soils  . .
...55 Need for sustainable agriculture  B.B. Mishra, Heluf G/Kidan, Proc. Intern. Conf. Sustain. Agric. Food, Energy &
. production in the collapsible land  Dereje Tilahun and Fikadu Geta Industry, Sept. 8-13, 2002, Beijing, China (Full paper)
.  resources of potentially rich Ethiopian . .
. Highlands-Issues to be addressed. . .
...56 Soil of Ethiopia: Perception, appraisal  B.B. MIshra, Heluf G/Kidan  J. Food, Agric. Environ. 2, 269-277 (2004)
. and constraints in relation to food & Kibebew Kibret (Finland)
. security . .
...57 Soils of Ethiopia: Reference to the world B.B. Mishra & Heluf G/Kidan Indian fertilizer Scene 2004(Submitted)
. . Kibebew Kibret .
...58 Fertility status of some soils derived from Dereje Tilahun & B.B. Mishra Tropical Agriculture
. basalt in relation to the length of period . (Trinidad) (Submitted) 
. under management in Ethiopia: Quantitative . .
. approach.  . .
...59 Soil characterization of Alemaya B.B.Mishra, Heluf Gebrekidan Soil Section Bull. I, (Eds. Heluf/B.B.Mishra)
. University farm with reference to  Kibebew Kibret, Mohammed Alemaya University
. land evaluation for sustainable management Assen & Bruk Eshetu Ethiopia, 2004
...60  Relevance of organic farming in Heluf Gebrekidan and B.B.Mishra J. Indian Fertiliser (submitted)
. Ethiopian Agriculture: Mission &  . (Review paper)
. Commitment with second green  . .
. revolution . .
...61  Missing linkage in rainfall-runoff- Heluf Gebrekidan,B.B.Mishra J. Food Agric. Environ. 4, 239-245 (2006)
. soil water relationship for sustainable & Kibebew Kibret (Finland)
.  watershed development: A case study  . .
. around Hirna, Eastern Ethiopia . .
...62  A new parasitic weed (Alectra vogelii) Temam Hussien, B.B.Mishra & Tropical Science (England) (in press)
. similar to Striga on groundnut in  Heluf Gebrekidan Paper number 130 (in press)
. Ethiopia . .
...63  Photopedogenesis: New Chapter in B.B.Mishra, Heluf Gebrekidan &  Accepted for poster & Oral theatre Presentation
. Soil Science  Sheleme Beyene  18th World Congress ofSoil Science, ID 11039
...64  Immobisol as a proposed reference B.B. Mishra & Heluf Gebrekidan  Accepted for poster presentation, 18th World Congress 
. soil group of the world: Some .  Soil Science, ID 11434 (Fellowship awarded by WCSS)
. evidences in Ethiopia  . .
...65  Photopedogenesis: Concept and B.B.Mishra, Heluf Gebrekidan &  J. Food Agric. Environ. 4, 12-14 (2006)
. application Sheleme Beyene .
...66 Characteristcs of soils of Amensis Heluf Gebrekidan and Agropedology. 15, 7-15 (2005)
. sub-catchment of Hirna watershed B. B. Mishra .
. in western hararghe region, Ethiopia . .
...67  Productivity and irrigability  Heluf Gebrekidan, B.B.Mishra Agropedology. 15, 16-21 (2005)
. classification of some basaltic soils and Jens B. Aune .
. in toposequence: A case study of  . .
. Amensis sub-catchment of Hirna  . .
. Watershed in western Hararghe, . .
. Ethiopia  . .
...68 A new parasitic weed (Alectra vogelii) Temam Hussien, Bipin Bihari Mishra  Tropical Science (UK) 46(3), 139-140 (2006)
.  similar to Striga on groundnut in  and Heluf Gebrekidan .
. Ethiopia . .
...69  Floodplain soils with distinct B.B.Mishra UNESCO sponsored International Sediment
. features vs Second green revolution . Initiative Conference, Khartoum, Sudan, 11-15 Nov,
. . . 2006,P. 54 (Full paper in CD).
...70 Integrated Nutrient Management  B. B. Mishra & R. R. Singh National Seminar on Balanced Fertilization
. vs Organic farming  . CSKHPKV,Palampur, HP, 17-18 Nov, 2006,P. 54-58

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